With the French melodies from the Putumayo French Playground CD echoing in our ears we had a Parisian dream last night.
There we were, taking in the sights and sounds of Nouveau Paris when we stumbled upon the Double Shutter Jazz Club. Everything came in twos, even the entertainment! It was a dynamite double header featuring Django Reinhardt and Pink Martini! The evening went splendidly, until the the last Double Shutter call. In a high stakes game against Maximilien Robespierre we had but 3 tiles left standing. We needed to shut the super box in order to beat his impossibly low score of 2. We certainly didn't want to lose our heads! As our dice hit the red felt bottom our alarm went off, bringing us back to the Good Toy Shop!
A Riddle
True or False:
Every word has one vowel in it.
Every word has three vowels in it.
EvEry wOrd. Get it?
Bradley S. from Williamsville got us with that one!
(He was also able to shut the Double Shutter game on his third try.)
What a guy!
So now we need to practice our riddles to stump Brad on his next visit. Look out, Brad!
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